How We Can Help
We offer a wide range of high-quality valves, manufactured in China and our service locations cover areas across all of China.
The advancement in valve design has given valve engineers a variety of valve types to choose from. It’s just a case of accurately and precisely matching up the service requirements with the valve’s design characteristics. Our extensively trained sales engineers will work closely with you to assist you with selecting the right valve for your application.
Besides valve supply, manufacturing, reconditioning, and selection advice, we also offer a specialist design service, engineering support, and spare parts.
You can rely on STV to provide you with the right valve for the job as well as an exceptional customer experience.
Mr. Jalen Lee
Add: 88# , Jifeng Road, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province,325025
Email: [email protected] Tel 1: +86-0577-85987444 Tel 2: +8615157766245